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Weekly Alpine Race Series
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Weekly Alpine Race Series
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The TGIF Race Series is a seven week race league for ages 10 and up. Races are held from 10:30am-3:00pm on Fridays throughout the ski season with the exception of certain blackouts. $249.00
Price for TGIF if you have a Bretton Woods 2023-2024 Season Pass. $99.00
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Resort gift cards make a wonderful gift for any occasion and may be used for resort accommodations, dining, recreation and at retails shops.
Gift cards may be purchased online in a selection of fixed amounts ($25, $50, $100, $20 & $500) or in any custom denomination you wish (min. $25; max. $1000).  

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All Ski School Lessons must be reserved 48 hours in advance.

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Please refer to our website for details and information on each program.

Bretton Woods Race Program Details

All activities/events/items are subject to change. 

If you have specific questions, please email us at [email protected] or call our competition center directly at 603-278-4422.